Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> BITS Pilani dual degree...
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My BITSAT score is 305. I may get Dual degree at BITS, Pilani. Is it a good option? What are the future prospects and placement? Are Dual degree students treated at par with BE students? what is the real scenario?

 I am getting all branches at NIT Rourkela. Should I prefer Dual degree from BITS, Pilani?

payal panigrahy , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Rahul askIITiansExpert.IITR

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

The future prospects and placements of dual degree are at par or even, better than BE students. They are definitely treated at par with BE students. I would suggest you to go for the same. 

CSE at Rourkela  is also a good option but still the value of a degree from BIT Pilani and their course structure is awesome. People take BE only because they don't want to study for another year.

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