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actually I have bought iit maths by ML KHANNA and higher algebra by hall & knight ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is these books sufficient or i should change ? because in many sites i saw that they are preffering ML KHANNA as the best book 4 iit??
please reply as soon as possible!!!!!!!

harendar singh , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Akhilesh G

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Ok. Let me tell you! First of all you dont need to solve hefty books to clear IIT JEE. The basic Concepts are clearly covered in your NCERT syllabus or yor Intermediate Syllabus if you are from A.P. The A.P Intermediate board has the best syllabus in Mathematics and covers the topics to great depths. Coming to your books.. you have bought good enough books and the primary thing you need to knw is get your basics right before you start solving those books. And I having cleared JEE would like to tell you one thing. DO NOT TRY TO SOLVE ALL THE TOPICS FROM ALL THE BOOKS YOU HAVE GOT. SOLVE ONE TOPIC FROM ONE BOOK. AND MAINLY I'm repeaing this again. FIRST GET THE BASICS RIGHT.

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