Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> barch...
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sir,regarding the b.arch exam conducted by iitjee, do we have to send a request letter or simply register and go to give the test.also this time registering date(counselling date) is from 30th may to 12 th june. whereas test is on 10tj june. how is that possible????my iitjee 2010 rank is 8510. can I get b.arch in kharagpur or roorkee????

kumar snehansu , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear kumar

Candidates can register for this Aptitude test On-line after May 26, 2010. They must appear for the test on June 10,
2010 at the institutes where counselling will be held.You should also bring your Admit card.

First Go to the online Choice filling site .once you complete the registration then you will be provided a login ID and password.

use this id and password to login .

in next step of online filling ,you will also get the option for registration for B.Arch cource /B.Des

http://jee.iitm.ac.in/counseling/counsel_help-desk/online_2010.html.  ( for online  filling)

http://jee.iitm.ac.in/counseling/  ( here you will get last year seat allotement in different IITs ,vacancy in cources. councelling Broucher)

Read all the information carefully given in above link .

Please feel free to post as many doubts on our discussion forum as you can.
we will get you the answer and detailed  solution very  quickly.

 All the best.
Askiitians Experts

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