Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> 3rd attempt for JEE due to Irresponsible ...
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Hi,Unexpected result of JEE 2010, as all of us are aware that, there were blunders in JEE paper 2010 and to those students who were appearing 2nd time, it came as a nightmare, as per my views1. The results of JEE 2010 should NOT be dissolved.2. But, the students who have appeared 2nd time should be allowed a 3rd attempt as exception3. This would be the real justice to all those students who could not make it to IITs second time due to irresponsible behavior of JEE.In case you support my cause, please try to bring this thing to Media / Hon'ble HRD Minister Mr. Kapil Sibal.Regards,VivekE Mail : vivek.ambashtha@gmail.com

Vivek Ambashtha , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Sukhendra Reddy Rompally B.Tech Mining Machinery Engg, ISM Dhanbad

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

This is my second attempt and i managed a rank of 6631{was xpectin abt 3000}.Many of my friends who were expectin abt 250-260 got in 6000s and those expecting 290-300 got a rank of 1300 or 1500.And sum expecting close to 200 didnt even qualify{all of them gave a second attempt},

But we cant drop another year.Its all FATE

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