Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> What to expect at JEE AIR 6449...
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I have got a IIT JEE 2009 AIR of 6449 and have a BITSAT score of 306. I have already dropped a year for IIT JEE. I did not qualify last year.I don’t want to go for any of the NITs. My choice would be out of IIT and BITS Pilani.I might get some lower rung B.Tech/M.Tech courses in IIT KGP or Roorkee, maybe some M.Sc’s, and also something in the new IITs this year mainly due to the increase in seats. I don’t want to go for IT BHU and ISMU.In BITS Pilani Campus, I would be getting BE Civil or Chemical, and all the M.Sc’s(They are guaranteed a BE degree in the 2nd year). Would taking the M.Sc’s ,if I don’t get a branch of my choice i.e Mech, be a good Option, considering i can get my choice of branch in the 2nd year relatively easily?At BITS Pilani(Goa and Hyderabad), I would be getting any branch of my choice. Are the Goa and Hyd campus as good as PILANI?And say,assuming I did not have the BITS option(Counselling is almost a month away)should I go for any course even M.Sc’s at the IITs even if I get something at the new IITs.Please advise.

Kazi Parvez Alam , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
ashish kumar

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear Kazi,

Total seats at IITs is just 6895 which is quite near to you rank. If some students dont show up for counselling than also your most likely college would be new IITs or IT-BHU or ISM Dhanbad where you wont wish to go ( i also recommend that ). Taking any course at new IITs just on the name of IIT is stupidity as they are not stable and facing a lot of problems regarding foodin and lodging ( being mentored by the older IITs ).

Considering the other option i.e. BITS, you have a bright career there. This college is behind only 3 IITs in ranking and provides a secure future. you can opt for chemical or civil there. Opting Chemical would be better if you have interest( my personal view).

Hope you take the right decision.

Thank you.

animesh se

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

hey, first of all congratz for ur performance!!!!!!!!

I think & by consultin some of the exremely qualified IITians you should opt for BITs PILANI &as far as new IITs are cocern they are of no use against ur PILANI degree,see MSc courses are not preferable for u . SO accordin to me opt for B.E. courses at BITS .GOA BITS ez now almost on the verge of gettin established like PILANI so thats also a better option then IITs for u !!!!! 

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