when going east at 10 kmph a train moving with const. velocity appears to be moving exactly north east . when my velocity is increased to 30 kmph east it appears to be moving north. a.what is the velocity of train in noth? b.what is the velocity of train along east? c.what speed should i move north so that train appears to move exactly south-east? please provide completesolution in details.. :)
Akshit Bansal , 7 Years ago
Grade 10
1 Answers
Vikas TU
Last Activity: 7 Years ago
We Should apply the idea of relative speed here.
Vman = 10 i
Vtrain = xi+yj
Vtrain,rel = (x-10)i+yj
x-10 = y both part ought to be equivalent to be in north east
Vtrain,rel = (x-30)i+yj
x-30 =0
x = 30 y =20
Vtrain = 30i +20j
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