what will be the effect on the fringes, if young's double slit experiment set up is immersed in water?
shalini , 11 Years ago
2 Answers
Saurabh Koranglekar
Last Activity: 4 Years ago
Dear student
Wavelength of light in water is less than that in air. The fringe width is directly proportional to the wavelength. Therefore, the fringes will become narrower.
Vikas TU
Last Activity: 4 Years ago
If the young's double slit experiment set-up is immersed in water, then the fringes become narrower. You have learnt in the text how Huygens' principle leads to the laws of reflection and refraction. The reflected wavefront AB'C, appears to start from I. Hence, I becomes virtual image for O as real point object.
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