Flag General Physics> what is renolds number?
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what is renolds number?

ravi kant , 10 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Apoorva Arora

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

The Reynolds number is defined as theratioof inertial forces toviscousforces and consequently quantifies the relative importance of these two types of forces for given flow conditions.Reynolds numbers frequently arise when performing scaling of fluid dynamics problems, and as such can be used to determinedynamic similitudebetween two different cases of fluid flow. They are also used to characterize different flow regimes within a similar fluid, such aslaminarorturbulent flow: laminar flow occurs at low Reynolds numbers, where viscous forces are dominant, and is characterized by smooth, constant fluid motion; turbulent flow occurs at high Reynolds numbers and is dominated by inertial forces, which tend to produce chaoticeddies,vorticesand other flow instabilities.
Thanks and Regards
Apoorva Arora
IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty

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