What is pinhole camera ? Why do we get an inverted imageinstead pinhole camera? What is aperture? What happens when the aperture size is increased? What is solargraphy? L
Akshit , 5 Years ago
Grade 6
2 Answers
Last Activity: 5 Years ago
In the pinhole camera, the light enters through a very fine hole and is propagated in a straight line. An inverted image is formed in a pinhole camera because the light rays coming from the top and bottom of the object intersect at the pinhole.
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Vikas TU
Last Activity: 5 Years ago
Dear student
A pinhole camera, also known as camera obscura (literally, "dark chamber"), is a simple optical imaging device in the shape of a closed box or chamber. In one of its sides is a small hole which, via the rectilinear propagation of light, creates an image of the outside space on the opposite side of the box. A pinhole camera is completely dark on all the other sides of the box including the side where the point is created. This part is usually painted black, but black boxes are also used for this purpose. There is also a thin screen which looks like a projector sheet, and is put in between the dark side adjacent to the pinhole.
If the aperture is increased then it would not be a pinhole anymore.
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