
What is a dimensionless quantity?! Please explain briefly.

What is a dimensionless quantity?! Please explain briefly.


1 Answers

Aarti Gupta
askIITians Faculty 300 Points
10 years ago
Dimensionless quantity is a quantity without an associated physical dimension. It is a "pure" number, and as such always has a dimension of 1.They are widely used in mathematics, physics engineering, economics, and in everyday life (such as in counting).Some examples are, p, e, and f, are dimensionless.
Dimensionless quantities are often defined as products or ratios of quantities that are not dimensionless, but whose dimensions cancel out when their powers are multiplied. It is defined as change in length, divided by initial length, but since these quantities both have dimensions L (length), the result is a dimensionless quantity.
Thanks & regard
Aarti Gupta
askiitians Faculty

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