Flag General Physics> Specific resistance og wire depends upon?...
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Specific resistance og wire depends upon?a)lenghtb)cross section areac)bothd)none

Sana , 5 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Saurabh Koranglekar

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Dear student

Specific resistance is material property so it depends on neither length nor csa



Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Specific Resistance depends upon the material of the conducting substance.Although,The ability of any conductor in an electrical circuit to pass current is judged by its electrical RESISTANCE. Resistance is the ability to OPPOSE the flow of electric current. The greater the value of resistance of any conductor, the less current will flow. The resistance of a conductor depends mainly on three things;The LENGTH of the conductor.The CROSS SECTIONAL AREA of the conductor.The MATERIAL of which the conductor is made.Because the resistance is greater in longer conductors than in shorter ones, then;RESISTANCE IS PROPORTIONAL TO LENGTHWhich is written as; R ∝ L (∝ means proportional to...)Also, because resistance is less in conductors with a large cross sectional area;RESISTANCE IS INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL TO CROSS SECTIONAL AREAWhich is written as; R ∝ 1/A (or R ∝ A-1)


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