\tsir, when we give escape velocity to a projectile, it escapes the earth...so if we give 3 times of velocity to a projectile ,then at infinity its velocity decreases to 2*1.414 times of escape velocity(,when we neglect sun and other planet’s gravitation force...)so my question is that because we are neglecting other forces then why there is change in velocity because as newton’s 1 law states that until an external force is applied there is no change in motion of body.
RahulBhardwaj , 10 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Aziz Alam
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
The change in velocity of projectile from v=3veto v=2.828vebecause of the gravitational field of earth. We have ignored all the forces due to all planets and sun, but we have only considered the force of attraction of Earth. It is because of constant earth’s pull that there is fall in velocity of projectile.
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