Rays from a distant object,incident on a lens A,get focussed on a screen distant 20cm behind the lens.When another lens B is placed midway between the lens A and the screen,the screen had to be moved away by 5cm to refocus the image on the screen .Then,Of the system of lenses used,1)both are convex lenses2)lens A is convex while lens B is concave3)lensB is convex while lens A is concave 4)both are concave lenses
Rankush , 5 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Arnav Gupta
Last Activity: 5 Years ago
Case 1:
1/20 - 1/u = 1/f1
Since U->infinity
Therefore f1=+20cm , i.e. Lens A is convex.
Case 2:
Lens B is midway. So u2= +10cm.
And v2 = +15 cm as the screen is shifted 5cm away from initial position.
(1/15) - (1/10) = 1/f2.
We'll get f2 as -30 cm.
So lens B is concave.
I Hope this helps..
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