plz tell d difference in methods to solve following questions:Q.1 a sphere of mass m is attached to a string of length l whose other end is fixed to a ceiling. The sphere is made to describe a circle of radius r in a horizontal plane. find tension in the string.Q.2 a ball of mass m is suspended frm a rope of length l. it describes a horizontal circle of radius r wid speed v. the rope makes an angle 't' wid d vertical. find tension in the rope.
Navjyot Kalra , 11 Years ago
Grade 10
1 Answers
Vikas TU
Last Activity: 4 Years ago
From the data given,
Mass = 200g.
Length = 130cm.
The time period of the pendulum, t = 2π√l/√g
Squaring on both sides,
t2 = 4π2 × 1.3/9.8
(2 pi and 9.8 is approximately the same value and so can be neglected)
Therefore, t2 = 4π2 × 1.3/9.8
t = 2.29 s.
The tension on the string is given by, mg
Therefore, 200 × 10 = 2000 gm / s2
Tension = 2N.
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