Flag General Physics> One end of copper wire is connected to a ...
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One end of copper wire is connected to a neutral pith ball and other end to a negatively charged plastic rod . What will be the charge accquired by a pith ball ?

Jashanpreet kaur , 4 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear student 
The pith-ball electroscope is used to detect the presence of a static electricity charge. The two lightweight 'pith' balls suspended from the strings are attracted to objects with a static electric charge. The pith balls can also be charged by touching them to an object with a static electric charge.
The pith-ball electroscope is also useful for detecting electric charges and for determining the polarity of an unknown charge.
If we bring a non-charged object near a non-charged pith ball electroscope, the pith ball will not move. But if the object is charged, then the pith ball will move towards or away from the charged body because it is attracted to or repelled from it. The attraction prevails until they touch, then they will repel.
In this case, the pith ball move away from the rod.
Hence, the body is negatively charged.

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