
Obeyed can slide on a smooth circular wire frame of radius R which is fixed in a vertical plane the beat is displaced slightly from the highest point of the wire flip the speed of the beat subsequently as a function of the angle theta made by the beach with a vertical line is

Obeyed can slide on a smooth circular wire frame of radius R which is fixed in a vertical plane the beat is displaced slightly from the highest point of the wire flip the speed of the beat subsequently as a function of the angle theta made by the beach with a vertical line is


1 Answers

3007 Points
5 years ago
let angle made with verticle line is \Theta
verticle displacement = R – R*cos\Theta = R(1 – cos\Theta)
then applying work energy theorm
mgh = ½*m*v2
v = \sqrt{2gh} = \sqrt{2*g*R(1-cos\Theta )}
Hope it clears. If you like answer then please approve it.

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