Flag General Physics> In a black hole... With such high pressur...
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In a black hole... With such high pressure by its own gravity why doesn`t the mass or matter gets converted to energy according to Einsteins mass energy equivalence... What actually is the state of matter in the black hole.. Matter or energy or an intermediate between..

Kashyap Brahmandam , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

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State of masses that is state of stars, galaxy cannot be fully judged or we can assume as it depends on number of factors when black hole attractes these kinds of things into it. It gets more bigger and larger.
The masses could be converted to plasma form or evnt that doesn’t matters as it entirely dends on the matter’s density and speed with which the absorbed material goes into the holes.

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