Flag Mechanics> I kgow astronaut orbiting around Earth fe...
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I kgowastronaut orbiting around Earth feels weightlessness as he/she is in free fall.According to Newton's law of gravitation the gravitational force is everywhere.nowmy question is will Astronaut feel weightlessness if they will be moving in a straight line in a spaceship and not orbiting around earth. suppose that they are going to the Mars or any other planet outside of solar system will they feel weightlessness?

Suni , 6 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Dear student,

Gravitational force is a weak force which has large magnitude only when acting between huge masses. However when distance between a small and a large mass is huge, as in case of spaceships travelling from one planet to another, the gravitaitonal force acting on the bodies are negligibly small and so any astronaut on the ship will feel weightless.

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