to Round off Significant Figures?In the example of rounding off Uncertain Digits i had pooped a very critical question, this question needs to be answered.Lets say the number is 3.49i wanna round-off to 1st digit i.e 3 by following the rules there are 3 possible answers. 3 4 3Answer (a):when you round off just seeing the next digit after 3 i.e. 3.49 you gonna come to conclusion that 3 should be remained as it is after droping .49 Answer (b):This one is a practical approch. Let’s say if the number is passed from one system to another loosing it’s accuracy in the process so you will come up with something like this:When you try to round off step-by-step i.e.3.49 → 3.5 → 4since before 5 it’s an odd number. Answer (c):It’s clear 3.49 is much closer to 3 than it is to 4 on the Number Line so the answer is obviously 3 A similar situation could be observed with 2.53 when rounding off to 1st digit.[1] If you round off by just looking at 2nd digit (preceeding) then 2.53 → 2.5 → 2because if the digit before 5 is even then it should be remained as it is. [2] If you look on the Numeber Line 2.53 is more closer to 3, by this rounding off should be: 2.53 → 3 So, which is the correct way of rounding off, which dosen’t contradicts with some of the apparent facts?
Nigerian Prince , 4 Years ago
Grade 11