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Get the relation between efficiency and coefficient of performance

ASh , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

the purpose of using heat engine is to produce work by the heat gained from the hot source. the efficiency expresses how much work has been produced from a unit of heat gained from the hot source.
the purpose of using heat pumps is to transport heat from a low temperature place to a hot temperature place in order to keep the hot place at a high temperature by applying work. so the efficiency in this case is the heat exerted to the hot place per unit of work applied (which is called COP).
the purpose of using refrigeration cycles is to transport heat from a low temperature place to a hot temperature place in order to keep the cold place at low temperature by applying work. so the efficiency in this case is the heat removed from the cold place per unit of work applied (which is called COP).

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