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explain working of IC engine/

puja kumari , 11 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Saurabh Koranglekar

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Internal combustion engines (ICE)are the most common form ofheat engines, as they are used in vehicles, boats, ships, airplanes, and trains. They are named as such because thefuelisignitedin order to doworkinside the engine. The same fuel and air mixture is thenemittedas exhaust. This can be done using apiston(called areciprocating engine), or with aturbine.

Internal combustion heat engines work on the principle of theideal gas law:. Raising thetemperatureof a gas increases thepressurethat makes thegaswant to expand.[1]An internalcombustionengine has a chamber, which has fuel added to it which ignites in order to raise the temperature of the gas.

Whenheatis added to the system, it forces gas inside to expand. With apistonengine, this causes the piston to rise, and with agas turbine, the hotairis forced into the turbine chamber, turning the turbine. By attaching the piston or turbine to acamshaft, the engine is able to convert a portion of theenergyinput to the system into useful work. To compress the piston in an intermittent combustion engine, the engine exhausts the gas. A heat sink is then used to keep the system running at a consistent temperature. A gas turbine, which uses continuous combustion, simply exhausts its gas continuously rather than in a cycle.

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