Flag General Physics> describe the method to measure the focal ...
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describe the method to measure the focal length of a concave mirror ?

sudhanshu , 11 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
By Dr jdjdjd

Last Activity: 3 Years ago

Following are the ways to obtain the focal length of convex lens:
The convex lens is thicker in the middle and thinner at the edges and is also known as the converging lens.
The refracted rays from the parallel beam of light converge on the other side of the convex lens.
If the image is obtained at the focus of the lens, the image would be real, inverted and very small.
f is the focal length which is the difference between the optical centre of the lens and the principal focus.
The image can be obtained on the screen as the image formed by the lens is real.

By Dr jdjdjd

Last Activity: 3 Years ago

In simple we can get focal length of concave mirror by applying mirror formula 1 bi f is equal to 1 by v + 1 by u four practical just date object in front of concave mirror take any sentimeter that is object distance and you will get image distance in centimetres then apply that applied at distance what we get in mirror formula and you will get the focal length of that concave mirror 

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