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can three non coplanar vectors give zero resultant? why?

malavika , 7 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers
sagar kumar

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

When all the three vectors are in same plane and forms a triangle and sum of two sides of the triangle is greater than the third side or the sum of any two vectors is equal to third one then all the three vectors are collinear will produce their resultant zero.


Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Why can the resultant of three non coplanar vectors never be zero?Still have a question? Ask your own!What is your question?1 ANSWERAkarsh SinghAkarsh Singh, studied at Little Flower School, JamshedpurAnswered Sep 30First take two of the three non coplanar vectors and take out their resultant. Their resultant will surely lie on the plane on which those two vectors were. The resultant of the resultant of the two vectors(which has been taken care of earlier) and the third vector can never be zero because for the resultant of two vectors to be zero, the two vectors should be opposite in direction and be of the same magnitude. But the third vector cannot be in the direction opposite to the resultant of the first two vectors because this resultant would lie in the plane of the first two vectors(as mentioned earlier) and the third vector cannot lie in this plane as the vectors were non coplanar.So, the resultant of three non coplanar vectors can never be zero.

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