Flag General Physics> an object is thrown from ground with spee...
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an object is thrown from ground with speed 20m/s at an angle 30 degree with the horizontal. its centripetal acceleration one second after projection in SI unit

manish gupta , 10 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Saurabh Kumar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Calculate the velocity after time of 1 sec (which would be the resultant of velocity along horizonatl and velocity along vertical).
Now, how to calculate the radius at that time.
Radius would be pythagorus resultant of height gain(vertical component of velocity in time ‘t’) at that moment and horizontal distance(Half of range – velocity along horizontal distance in time ‘t’ ).
Then use the formula for centrepetal acceleration..... = square of tangential velocity divided by radius...

Good Luck............................................

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