
An cube of ice of size a = 10cm is floating in a tank (base area A = 50cmX50cm) partially filled with water. The change in gravitational potential energy, when ice melts completely is (density of ice is 900 kg/m 3 ). please explain.

An cube of ice of size a = 10cm is floating  in a tank (base area A = 50cmX50cm)  partially filled with water. The change in gravitational potential energy, when ice melts completely is (density of ice is 900 kg/m3).
please explain.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
mass = density * volume = > 900 * 10^-3 = > 0.9 kg.
Potential enrgy = mg(change in height) = > 0.9*10*(4x10^-3 - 5x10^-2)
and h = V/change in entropy hence.
Net Potential Energy = > – 0 .405 J.

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