A vessel is completely filled with mercury to a height of 0.9m . Barometer height is 0.7m of mercury. Select correct statement (neglect the viscous and surface tension effects)A) The vessel can be emptied with the aid of siphonB) The vessel cannot be completely emptied with the aid of siphonC) The vessel can be emptied with atleast 0.7m of mercury remaining in the vesselD) The vessel can be emptied with atleast 0.2m of mercury remaining in the vesselAnswer :B,D
Satya , 4 Years ago
Grade 12
1 Answers
Last Activity: 4 Years ago
Option B, D is correct because as air pressure is only upto 0.7 m and thats why with using a siphon you can only empty only 0.7 m height of of mercury in vessel maximum.
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