Flag General Physics> A uniform rod is suspended by means of tw...
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A uniform rod is suspended by means of two strings of length 0.10m and 0.06m attached to its two ends.the other two ends of the strings are tied to a nail.if tension in the first string is 30N find the tension in the other.Soln-->let the rodAB be suspended by means of two strings AO and BO attached to the point O . Since the rod is in equilibrium tensions T1 ,T2 and weight W must meet at a point.applying trianglea law of vector addition in triangle OACT1/AO=T2/BO=W/OC thereforeT1/T2=AO/BOGIVEN T1 =30NAO=0.10m,BO=0.06m30/T2 =0.10/0.06.......T2 = 18NSIR HOW T1/AO=T2/BO=W/OC

Kumar Arya , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Saurabh Koranglekar

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

draw the free body diagram . let the mass of the rod be m . And there are twon tension forces acting on it . Now tension in one string is 30 N and second string is T1 (suppose) . now , we get ,

30N + T1 - mg = 0 ( body is at rest)(equilibrium)

solving this you get T1 = (mg-30 ) N .

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