
A photo-cell with a constant p.d. of V volts across it, is illuminated by a point source from a distance 25 cm. When the source is moved to a distance of 1 m, the electrons emitted by the photo-cell A. carry 1/4th their previous energy B. are 1/16th as numerous as before C. are 1/4th as numerous as before D. carry 1/4th their previous momentum

A photo-cell with a constant p.d. of V volts across it, is illuminated by a point source from a distance 25 cm. When the source is moved to a distance of 1 m, the electrons emitted by the photo-cell A. carry 1/4th their previous energy B. are 1/16th as numerous as before C. are 1/4th as numerous as before D. carry 1/4th their previous momentum

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
4 years ago

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