Flag General Physics> A heavy uniform rope of length l is pulle...
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A heavy uniform rope of length l is pulled by a constant force F as shown in the figure. The tension in the rope at a distance x from the end where the force F is applied is????

Neeraj kumar , 7 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Let the size of Force applied by the segment of the rope to one side of position x be F(x)F, and F(x+dx) be the greatness of the drive applied by the rope to one side of position (x+dx). At that point, the net drive following up on component dxof the rope is F(x)−F(x+dx), which by Newton's second law of movement is equivalent to M/LdxF/M, i.e., F(x)−F(x+dx)=MLdxFM or( F(x+dx)−F(x))/dx=−M/LF/M=−F/L So, we have dF/dx=−F/LdF/dx=−F/L, or F(x)=−F/Lx+F(x)=−F/Lx+constant. The consistent is assessed by utilizing the way that at x=0x=0, F(x)=F, the connected constrain. In this way, the drive following up on the rope at a separation x from the end where the constrain FF is connected is :

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