Flag General Physics> A body covered a distance of 20m, 40m, 60...
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A body covered a distance of 20m, 40m, 60m, 80m, and 100m in successive time interval of 5sec, 10sec, 15sec, 20sec, and 25sec. With the help of a distance time gragh, a. calculate the slope of the graph, b. Describe the motion of the particle.

Maxwell Marsah , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Dharshan Gowda

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

According to the given question we just plot time Vs distance graph.We can observe that the motion is the uniform motion where the  distance changes with time uniformly,so the graph is a straight line.so using the concept of finding the slope tells us that the quantity is velocity.so using the formula of finding a slope (Y2-Y1) / (X2-X1) we get the velocity which is equal to 4 m/s

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