Flag General Physics> A bird is at a point p(4,-1,-5) and sees ...
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A bird is at a point p(4,-1,-5) and sees two points p1 (-1,-1,0) and p2(3,-1,-3) . At time t=0 it starts flying with a constant speed of 10m/s to be in line with points p1 and p2 in minimum possible time t . Finde t , if all coordinates are in km

Anshikapal , 7 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Condition of plane with three focuses 
x-x1         y-y1        z-z1    = 0 
x2-x1        y2-y1        z2-z1 
x3-x1        y3-y1        z3-z1 
x-4        y-(- 1)        z - 5    = 0 
(- 1) – 4        2 - (- 1)        0 - 5 
1 – 4        1 - (- 1)        4 - 5 
x - 4        y - (- 1)        z - 5    = 0 
- 5        3        -5 
- 3        2        -1 
(x -     4    )(    3    ·    (- 1)    -    (- 5)    ·    2    ) - (y -     (- 1)    )(    (- 5)    ·    (- 1)    -    (- 5)    ·    (- 3)    ) + (z -     5    )(    (- 5)    ·    2    -    3    ·    (- 3)    ) = 0 
7    (x-    4    )+    10    (y-    (- 1)    )+    (- 1)    (z-    5    ) = 0 
7    x    +    10    y    -        z    -    13        =0 
a-b={ax-bx;ay-by;az-bz}={(- 1)- 1;2-1;0-4}={-2;1;- 4} 
Lets a x,y,z lies on hold opposite to AB and in the plane ,then 
x-4,y+1,z-5 will likewise lie in the plane and opposite to AB where x,y,z is area of winged creature whenever. 
speck result of these two point ought to be zero 
since sooner or later it ends up plainly collinear with AB 
=> triangle framed be A,B and that point will be zero 
additionally it fulfills the plane so 
solvin every one of the three eq. 
remove = 
Time = remove/speed 
= 1/√14 

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