A bar magnet is placed in north-south direction with its north pole towards north. In which direction from the centre of the magnetic field will the points of zero magnetic field lie (a) North and South (b) East and West (c) North-East and South-West(d) north west and south west
soumya , 8 Years ago
Grade 10
2 Answers
Vikas TU
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
From the Earth’s point of view, the North pole of the bar magnet would be at geographically south andthe South pole of the magnet would be at geographically North.
This is the fact.
as north attracts south and vice – versa.
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
it has been kept in that way and not suspended freely . read the question before you reply.
A bar magnet is placed in north-south direction with its north pole towards north. In which direction from the centre of the magnetic field will the points of zero magnetic field lie
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