3 springs mass systems in vertical plane are shown in fig. The mass of all pulleys and connecting strings and springs are negligible and friction at all contacts is absent.to a horizontal bar a string witha pulley with 8k spring attached to the bottom .this pulley is attached to another pulley has mass m attached .this pulley is attached to a spring of 4k to the horizontal bar.2.from horizontal bar 2 springs are there both end attached to 2 pulleys, first spring is8k that pulley is attached to the bottom with a string.other pulley is attached to mass m and on to the horizontal bar with string 4k3.from the horizontal bar one spring of 4k is there and a string is there. both attached to pulleys pulley is attached to the bottom with 8k spring.other pulley is attached to mass m and attached to horizontal bar from top
sudha , 15 Years ago