
two small stone are tied at the ends of a rope 5m. imagine you are holding them, one in each hand, with the rope hanging loosely on the top floor balcony of a tall release one stone at a moment and other 0.5 seconds later along the same vertical line from the same position. the rope will be taut after a time of _______. assume that as the rope gets taut, the velocities of the stones becomes equal to the average of the velocities of the stones just before the stone gets taut. the velocities of two stones 2 s later would be_______.

two small stone are tied at the ends of a rope 5m. imagine you are holding them, one in each hand, with the rope hanging loosely on the top floor balcony of a tall release one stone at a moment and other 0.5 seconds later along the same vertical line from the same position. the rope will be taut after a time of _______. assume that as the rope gets taut, the velocities of the stones becomes equal to the average of the velocities of the stones just before the stone gets taut. the velocities of two stones 2 s later would be_______.

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1 Answers

Arun Kumar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 256 Points
10 years ago
we will apply concept of relative motion
in 0.5 sec the ball covers a distance of 1.25 m

so now relative distance =3.75 more to be taut

so v relative =5m/s
a relative =0
so time = 3.75/5 after the second ball released


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