
In common base configuration, collector and base are reverse bias.when a negative potential is applied to the base-collector, why does that behave as if it is forward biased??Do u say that when a negative potential or voltage is appliied to a system in reverse behaves as forward biased??pls explain with reasons?????

In common base configuration, collector and base are reverse bias.when a negative potential is applied to the base-collector, why does that behave as if it is forward biased??Do u say that when a negative potential or voltage is appliied to a system in reverse behaves as forward biased??pls explain with reasons?????

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

jitender lakhanpal
62 Points
11 years ago

hi murali


pls specify whether it is n-p-n transistor or p-n-p transistor

and when you apply any voltage across base and collector it actually is a diode

in case of n-p-n base acts as p and collector acts as n and vice versa in p - n - p

so when you apply a negative  voltage across base and collector it will be forward bias .

in case of n-p-n


hi murali


pls specify whether the transistor is npn or pnp configuration


and forward bias is when n is connceted to lower voltage than p and reverse bias is when n is connected to higher

voltage than p you can easily see that in diode biasing when p is connected to + voltage and n to - voltage then

it is forward bias and behaves as short circuit .

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