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I am in class 11th now and wanted to know that is the theory of hc verma really helpfull or i should go with ie erodov book.Thanks

Rohit Girdhar , 11 Years ago
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abhishek kumar

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

hi rohit

i m also in class 11 and i m having this book. if u want to study for competitions then its a good book, it contains nearly all chapters in resnik halliday walker, but its theory portion is very short.

but if u want to study for ur class 11 cbse examination, then will not be helpful for u.believe me.

and as far as IE irodov is concerned, i haven''t tried it but as i have heard it contains only problems.

good luck.




n can u tell me a book for calculus for beginning level.if u know , answer my question


Mujahid Ahmed

Last Activity: 11 Years ago


HCV has good theory but it isn''t well explained. Also, i find theory of +2 chapters poor in HCV. Irodov is good for questions only.

If you are looking for theory, i''ll advise the subjective books of DC Pandey.They cover all the topics (some which are not in HCV but are important) and have very good collection of questions.


Approve if i helped :)


Last Activity: 11 Years ago

see i have already passed +2 so i will advise you to solve ie irodov sincerely.

this is because each question of irodov is itself a concept to explore.

in hc verma you dont get theory matter much but the questions are good.

so if you want to get clear with problem solving techniques and concepts then try and solve irodov yourself first.

if you want to study theory first then i would refer you to cengage books the writer is BM Sharma.

the theory is well illustrated and explained more than in dc pandey i feel so.

for better out of the box questions you can also refer to cengage books but not BM Sharma.

this book is challenging questions in physics.

the questions are peculiarly new and non traditional so you will get refreshed and enjoy solving them but they are not as easy though. 

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