
2 bubbles have radius r and R .they are connected by a tube.the small bubble will become smaller or the big bubble will become smaller? give reason

2 bubbles have radius r and R .they are connected by a tube.the small bubble will become smaller or the big bubble will become smaller? give reason


1 Answers

Arpit Jaiswal
31 Points
11 years ago

this is one of the iit questions i guess..

smaller bubble will grow larger, where as the larger will grow smaller.

the smaller bubble when completed into a sphere has larger radius, where as the larger bubble has smaller radius, when completed into a sphere.

we have excess pressure given by 2T/R

therefore pressure is inversely proprtional to radius, therefore, smaller bubble has low pressure than larger bubble, therefore pressure will increase towards the low pressure by decreasing radius, i.e. by increasing bubble size.. and at larger bubble, the pressure will decrease by increasing radius, i.e. by decreasing size.

Hope this helps


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