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A boy streches stone against the rubber tape of a catapult or gulet (a device used t odetach mangoes from the tree by boys in Inidan villages) through a distance of 24cm before leaving it. the tape returns to its normal position accelerating the stone over the stretched lenght. The stone leaves the gulel with a speed 2.2m/s. Assuming that the acceleration is constant white the stone ws being purshed by the tape, fund its magnitude.

Ryan Clouter , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Sachin Tyagi

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Solution:- Consider the accelerted 24 cm motion of the stone.

Initial Velocity = 0

Final Velocity = 2.2m/s

Distance travelled = 24cm = 0.24m

Using v2 = u2 + 2ax,

a =   (4.84m2 /s2 )/(2x0.24m) = 10.1m/s2

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