
Q.In arihant objective i calculate the following problem and found out the correcr answer to be (d),but in key it is (b),please clarify. If the error in the measurement of the momentum of a particle is (+100%).Then, the error in the measurment of the kinetic energy is (a)400% (b)300% (c)100% (d)200% FROM Sunindra kanghujam

Q.In arihant objective i calculate the following problem and found out the correcr answer to be (d),but in key it is (b),please clarify.

    If the error in the measurement of the momentum of a particle is (+100%).Then, the error in the measurment of the kinetic energy is

    (a)400%                                   (b)300%

    (c)100%                                    (d)200%


  Sunindra kanghujam


1 Answers

pooja harshan
18 Points
12 years ago

T'S GIVEN THAT THE PERCENTAGE ERROR IN MOMENTUM MEASUREMENT AS 100%, the question is the percentage error in kinetic energy, answer:  if % error is more than 5-6% ,the error analysis can't be applied and we have to apply conventional method. so ur answer is right as it is not 200% but 300% will be the increase in k.e.

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