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Can any one of the components of a vector have a greater magnitude than that of the given vector itself? What would be your answer for the rectangular component of a vector?

Pinaki Gupta , 13 Years ago
Grade 8
anser 2 Answers
Vbhootna Vb

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

No vactor components are fcosa and fsina due to range of sina and cosa it must be less than or equal to f Ok

divanshu anand

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Dear Pinaki

if we talk about normal vectors yes the components can be greater than the original vector itself but if we talk about the rectangular components ...

vector AB (given) has to be greater than its components ..... because..

by pythagorous theorem... the parent vecotor AB^2 = Xab^2  + Yab^2 +Zab^2

where Xab , Yab and Zab are rectangular components of the parent vector AB along X, Y and Z axis...

thus as in a right angled triangle The hypotenuese or the parent vector is greater than the sides of the 2 perpendicular sides of the triangle or the rectangular components....

pls rate the answer if you find it useful..

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