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A spherical gas chamber of radius R filled with a light gas, in which two spherical balls A and B of radius Ra and Rb simultaneously are suspended at the distance d, we have to find formula to calculate- 1. Pressure difference of gas molecules on the surfaces of balls A and B due to their shadow effect? 2. Pressure generated by gas molecules on the internal surfaces of both balls due to multiple collisions of gas molecules when distance d is short? (Assuming mean free path of gas particles and radius R of gas chamber tending towards infinity and collision of gas particle with balls is totally elastic, N is the number of gas molecules striking per unit area of balls and m is mass of a gas molecule) I suppose IIT brain is best brain availablr not only INDIA but the whole World. MITRA doctormitrau@gmail.com

Umesh Mitra , 13 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
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