
If force (F) and density (d)are related as F = alpha (symbol)/ ((root) beta + d^2). The find the dimensions of alpha . Beta (alpha x beta).

If force (F) and density (d)are related as F = alpha (symbol)/ ((root) beta + d^2). The find the dimensions of alpha . Beta (alpha x beta).


1 Answers

Ramesh V
70 Points
15 years ago

  F = alpha (symbol)/ ((root) beta + d^2

so dimensions of root(beta) should be same as d2

dimensions of root(beta) are mand that of beta are m4 i.e., L4

dimensions of alpha is same as F.d2 i.e., N-m2

dimensions of alpha.beta are N-m6 i.e., ML7T-2



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