
two bodies of different masses ma and mb are dropped from two different heights a and b.the ratio of times taken by the two bodies to drop through these distance is:

two bodies of different masses ma and mb are dropped from two different heights a and b.the ratio of times taken by the two bodies to drop through these distance is:


2 Answers

Sudheesh Singanamalla
114 Points
13 years ago

mass of 'A' is Ma

mass of 'B' is Mb

both of them undergo an accelaration of 'g' as it is falling from a height

initial velocity of both is zero as it is dropped from rest.

From 2nd equation of motion.

S = 1/2 a t2                      [ since u = 0 , it is not taken. ]

a = 1/2g t12

b = 1/2g t22

a/b = t12 / t22

t1 / t2 = √a/b


this the the ratio of times taken by Ma and Mb


Please approve

ankit singh
askIITians Faculty 614 Points
4 years ago
for First object we get :

h1= gT1²/2

For second object we get h2=gT2²/2
T1/T2 =√h1/h2
But here h1= a and h2 =b
so, T1/T2=√a/b

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