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satellite will be revolving in the earths gravitation field with some orbital velocity then why should we project it with escape velocity of earth .if we project with this velocity it escapes the field of earth then it cant revolve around it?plz help me and reply quickly

charitha .bvs , 14 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Sudheesh Singanamalla

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

A satellite is not projected with escape velocity , if it is projected with escape velocity then it will escape the gravitational field,

the satellite is taken up using a rocket which has a constant thrust towards the ground. the satellite is just left in space making it move with the same orbital velocity all the time , it is just left in an orbit , so the gravitational force from the earth keeps the satellite in its orbit areound the earth .


Also other factors like air current direction , air resistance , and resistance and each layer is counted , so the actual escape velocity is more than 11.2kmps because when we calculate escape velocity we don't take into account any of the external opposing forces .


Hope that helps

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