
sir while doing any chapter of physics 1st i go through the theory of a chapter and them read all the questions and their solutions from hc verma and then i try some other problems from books like resnick and halliday ectt.. is this the right approach or should i change it????????

sir while doing any chapter of physics 1st i go through the theory of a chapter and them  read all the questions and their solutions from hc verma and then i try some other problems from books like resnick and halliday ectt..  is this the right approach or should i change it????????


1 Answers

AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD
420 Points
13 years ago

Dear Akhilesh

You can also refer D C Pandey. In D C Pandey after some theory there are small problems. and if you do them then you will feel confident. dont do the problems in a hurry take your time and understand the concepts well. you should refer  only D C Pandey and H C Verma.Before looking the solutions first give an attempt yourself. and then look the solution and compare with your thinking and find out where were you lacking.


All the best.                                                           




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