
how can we find the l graph if certain result is given without actual plotting say s=t^2 or s=T^3

how can we find the l graph if certain result is given without actual plotting say s=t^2 or s=T^3


2 Answers

vikas askiitian expert
509 Points
13 years ago

if  s=t3       .........1



solving 2 and 3 

 a2 = 12v

it means graph bw accleration and velocity is parabola...

in same way graph of v  vs  s  or  a  vs  s can be made....

Aman Bansal
592 Points
13 years ago

dear arpit,
if you want to plot a graph then you can use calculus without using the values

for example if you want to plot y=x^2
then dy/dx=0 will give you the point of inflexions
and d2y/dx2 will tell you about the concavity (i.e. concave up or down )the graph is.


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