Rahul askIITiansExpert.IITR
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Alpha "rays" are actually high speed particles. Early researchers tended to refer to any form of energetic radiation as rays, and the term is still used. An alpha particle is made up of two protons and two neutrons, all held together by the same strong nuclear force that binds the nucleus of any atom. In fact, an alpha particle really is a nucleus - it's the same as the nucleus of a common atom of helium - but it doesn't have any electrons around it, and it's traveling very fast. Alpha particles are a type of ionizing radiation.
in the same way beta rays are stream of electrons.
gamma rays are electromagnetic rays.
see the particle nature of alpha is greatest whereas gamma rays have the smallest particle nature.
I would suggest you to not bother about positrons and other particles because their correct explanation will require higher mathematics
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