Flag General Physics> 8 A ball is kicked at an angle ? = 45°. I...
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8A ball is kicked at an angle ? = 45°. It is intended that the ball lands in the back of a moving truck which has a trunk of length L = 2.5 m. If the initial horizontal distance from the back of the truck to the ball, at the instant of the kick, is do = 5 m, and the truck moves directly away from the ball at velocity V = 9 m/s (as shown), what is the maximum and minimum velocity vo so that the ball lands in the trunk. Assume that the initial height of the ball is equal to the height of the ball at the instant it begins to enter the trunk.

him sharma , 11 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Saurabh Singh

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

speed of ball relative to truck Vr= VoCos 45 -9m/s

time taken by ball T= (VoSin45/9.8)*2

horizontal distance travelled by ball relative to truck H = Vr/T

MAximum distance that the ball can travel = 5+2.5 = 7.5m
Minimum distnace the ball can travel = 5m

hence 5<=H<=7.5

we can substitute the values and get the answer

Thanks & Regards

Saurabh Singh,

askIITians Faculty


IIT Kanpur

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