Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> 4 marbles are dropped from thetop of a to...
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4 marbles are dropped from thetop of a tower one after the 0ther with an interval of one secon . th first one reaches the ground after four seconds . when then first one reaches the ground the distances beyween the first and second , the second and the third and forth will be?

Abhishek k b , 6 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Dear student......It is Quiet easy, you just need to visualise the question. When the first marble hits the ground the second marble has fallen for three second, third one for two and last one for one second only. The first one has fallen for 4 seconds, i.e., 80m, second one for 45m, third one for 20m and first one 5m.Therefore distance between first and second is 15m, second and third is 25m, and third and fourth is 35m........ Regards.....Arun (askIITians forum expert)

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