Flag Engineering Entrance Exams> is there any quota for single girl child ...
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is there any quota for single girl child in iit 2014 ??

Aditi , 10 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Rinkoo Gupta

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Dear Student,

, Delhi Technological University (DTU), starting this year, will have one general seat reserved for single girl children from the Capital, one each in all the B.Tech courses offered by the institution.DTUhas already received as many as 121 applications for these seats.

The college, which was formerly known as Delhi College of Engineering (DCE), declared its first list for admission on July 5. Usually, the college grants admission to students on the basis of their performance in All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE).
Prof. PB Sharma, vice chancellor, DTU, said: "We have implemented this system to denounce female foeticide and encourage single girl children to take up technical courses such as B.Tech at DTU."
On being asked why only 15 seats have been reserved and that too just for students from the national capital, he said: "This is the first time we have implemented the system. If it proves successful, we will add more seats to the category and introduce it for outstation candidates."
In December 2010, along with the decision to reserve seats for single girl children, DTU's Academic Council had approved the introduction of a B.Tech programme in Mathematics and Computing, increasing the total number of courses to 15.
The institute has 85 per cent seats reserved for students from Delhi region. This year DTU in collaboration with National Informatics Centre (NIC) adopted an online admission system and the admission list was declared atwww.dtuadmissions.nic.in. Dr Gautam Bose, additional director general, NIC said: "The website was designed while keeping in mind the requirements of students."

Thanks & Regards

Rinkoo Gupta

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